Dig a little deeper
Dig a little deeper

dig a little deeper dig a little deeper

In the mans ultimate gratitude he walked up to the doctor shook his hand and said "thanks doc" then walked out the door and never spoke to the doctor again. The procedure was finished the cancer from the man had been transfered into the doctors son and the man was now given life and life abundantly. "How could there possibly be good news?" The doctor then with a loving voice began to explain to the doctor that because of his love for him he was going to allow his son to take his cancer for him so that he could live!! The mans jaw dropped! How could someone love him soo much? This doesn't make any sense but he was not even considering turning the offer down. Suddenly a warm hand was placed on his shoulder and the doctor simply said, "but there is good news." "Good news?!" the man thought. Not just cry, but weep, loud sobs resounded through the doctors office as the mans heart ached and his mind raced with fear. How would he tell his family? He was just recently married with a baby on the way, his life was supposed to just be beginning! The reality of this news began to sank in and he began to cry. He had three weeks left of his life and he was only 21. His stomach sank, his heart felt like it was about to give in and tears began to well up in his eyes. He was now diagnosed with a terminal illness and was given 3 weeks to live. The God OF ALL THE UNIVERSE has a desire to work through our lives, bless us, and bring Him glory, and yes, sometimes its going to stink but in the end when its all said and done, we have new life just like Lazarus and its all worth it.įear seized the man as the doctor revealed to him the news.

dig a little deeper

Or on a even more applicable level, God I know that those people need help and my service could lead to their salvation but to be honest being around them is unsanitary and they smell bad.


For example, Lord I know that you want to work through me and ultimately bring You glory but that would mean that I would have to give up my free time on Tuesdays and umm thats just not going to work out. If we were honest with ourselves we do this all the time in our personal lives. I was thinking "Are you serious?!?!" "You mean to tell me the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the most POWERFUL person on the face of the planet has walked up to your brothers tomb to BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE and your response to Him is that rolling away the stone will be a bad idea because he stinks!!!! Then once I was done laughing and being upset at the same time I had one of those moments were God smacked me in the face. Now when I read this and it finally hit me what she said I was somewhat outraged and humored at the same time. In other words, dude that guy is going to stink. She simply looks at Jesus and says "Lord by this time there will be an odor for he has been there for four days". Now you would expect Martha, being Lazarus sister, to be filled with excitement and say YES LORD WHATEVER YOU SAY!! Instead she takes a different course of action. So here we are in verse 39 and Jesus tells them to take away the stone so he can raise Lazarus from the dead. Mary and Martha (Lazarus's sisters) of course being upset that Jesus is late question his actions and Jesus tells them not to worry because He is going to raise their brother back to life. Jesus arrives and Lazarus has already been in the tomb for four days. Now if you were to lazy to go read the story heres the gist: Jesus finds out that Lazarus is ill and decides to wait to go and see him, in Jesus's waiting period Lazarus dies and Jesus decides to go see him with great plans to bring glory to God. Although I've read the story again and again I never noticed a very small detail that has huge applications to our own personal lives. A story thats been instilled in us since childrens church and always ended with the wonderful catch phrase "God is always on time." If you havent read the story of Lazarus I encourage you to check it out before reading anymore of this blog.

dig a little deeper

The resurrection of Jesus's good friend Lazarus. How many times in our lives do we let the smallest things get in the way of God being glorified? How often do we let the little things in our lives get in the way of Gods plan for us? The other day I was doing my Bible study on possibly one of the most famous miracles that Jesus performs in the Bible.

Dig a little deeper